This post has been inspired by a couple of things. The fact that I am turning 33 in a couple days and a new show that is on (of all places) MTV. The show is called 'The Buried Life' and is similar to 'The Bucket List' in that it is a list of things this group of guys want to do before they die. I realize that in itself this is not such a novel idea. What caught my attention, however, was that when they travel from city to city, they stop and ask people what one thing they want to do before they die. They then pick one person to help make their dream come true.
The fact of the matter is this - I don't know what I would say?!? I mean Jesus changed the WORLD by the time he was 33 and I still can't seem to get my priorities in check! Of course I realize I am by no means Jesus -but it has made me sit back and think about what it is HE wants me to do with my life while I'm here. My mind immediately goes to big 'Mother Teresa' type things or famous 'sing on Broadway' type things but what keeps coming back to my mind is the fact that not everyone can be a Mother Teresa or Julie Andrews.
But ya know what? We can all be that volunteer at the food bank who makes the single mom feel a little less embarrassed about asking for food. Or the sender of an anonymous check to a family we know is in need. Or the counselor on the other end of the phone at a crisis pregnancy center. Or the mom who is there to pick up her child when they fall and scrape their knee. God has different plans for each and every one of our lives and although we might not all have our names on the side of a building, we can make a life-changing difference for every person put in our path if we keep our eyes and ears open to His leading.
I never thought I would say this, but thank you MTV. Thank you for making me think about my everyday life and how it does or does not make a difference on that list of 'before I die'. So my question to you is this....what are the things you are doing before you die? In what ways have you allowed God to use you in the lives of others. We all have a great story to tell and I want to hear them, so bring 'em on!
"Every little action of the common day makes or unmakes character and that therefore what one has done in the secret chamber, one has some day to cry aloud from the house-top."
Oscar Wilde