I'm getting a vision.....

I have always loved to decorate my home.  No matter if it was my dorm room in college, the small two bedroom apartment my husband and I started out in, or the home we now share with our two kids.  There is something about decorating that makes things feel complete to me.  The process of coming up with an idea and then seeing it through to fruition is challenging and fun.  It is definitely something I wouldn't mind doing for a living.  My friend Kim asked me if I would like to come to her home and start the process of organizing and possibly some decorating as well.  Decorating and organizing for someone other than myself or my mom is something I have never tried and I am super excited to see how everything turns out.  We decided the first thing we would work on would be her mantel for Christmas.  We took a trip to Hobby Lobby (LOVE)  and a few hours later had her Christmas mantel all ready for the season. 

Thanks Kim for giving me the oppurtunity to do this - I had a blast!